Measurement-based quantum computation pdf

Downloadchiu2012fermionic measurementbased quantum computation. We present an experimental demonstration of blind quantum computing in which the input, computation, and output all remain unknown to the computer. By contrast, the measurementbased scheme also called cluster state computation and oneway computation. A number of models of quantum computation exist, including the now wellstudied quantum circuit model. Due to the massive amounts of literature available, much. Basics and applications of measurementbased quantum computing. An introduction to measurement based quantum computation. Faulttolerant quantum computation with cluster states.

Measurement based quantum computing mbqc 2, 6, 9,12, is an alternative model of computation to the circuit model, whereby the computation is. Every lecture is accompanied by readings that support and expand on what was covered in the lecture. Pdf measurementbased interference in quantum computation. The outcome of each individual measurement is random, but they are related in such a way that the computation. For measurementbased schemes, the hardware consists of a multiparticle quantum system in an algorithmindependent state and a classical computer. Despite these differences, it turns out that universal quantum computation can be built on either. The measurementbased model provides a concrete manifestation of contextuality as a computational resource, as follows.

Mqc is a means of utilising an entangled resource state to perform computation using generally adaptive singlequbit measurements. Universal quantum computation with temporalmode bilayer. In this book chapter, we provide a tutorial introduction to oneway quantum computation and many of the techniques one can use to understand it. Measurement of macronodes 2, 3, and 4 is described in the main text. Two principal schemes of measurement based computation are teleportation quantum computation tqc and the socalled cluster model or oneway quantum computer 1wqc. Measurementbased quantum computation on twobody interacting qubits with adiabatic evolution thi ha kyaw,1 ying li,1,2 and leongchuan kwek1,3,4 1centre for quantum technologies, national university of singapore, 3 science drive 2, singapore 117543, singapore 2department of materials, university of oxford, parks road, oxford ox1 3ph, united kingdom 3institute of advanced studies. Measurement based quantum computing is a new model of quantum computing proposed by raussendorf and briegel in 2001. Nov 15, 2016 measurementbased quantum computation and the clifford hierarchy. A quantum circuit is translated to a singlequbit measurement pattern on the resource state. Onehundred step measurementbased quantum computation. Quantum spin models for measurementbased quantum computation. In measurementbased quantum computing mbqc, computation is carried out by a sequence of measurements and corrections on an entangled state. Application of entanglement without geometrical constraints arxiv.

Measurementbased quantum computation nature physics. Pdf a faulttolerant continuousvariable measurementbased. In measurementbased quantum computation one starts with an entangled resource state. The input is a gatemodel description of a quantum computation. At the same time they have challenged the traditional view about the nature of quantum computation. T o present how well the measurementbased interference works for quantum computation, we will exemplify the im plementation of a oneway quan tum computing, in which. Here, we give an introduction to the oneway quantum computer, a scheme of measurementbased quantum computation mbqc.

Quantum computational universality of hypergraph states with pauli. Informally, all of these conditions say that for a quantum computation to be considered inherently measurement based, measurements must form a key part of the computation. While quantum circuits are still widely considered as a convenient formalism for describing algorithms, using measurements to steer quantum computation is considered a serious alternative. Alternatively, in the model of measurementbased quantum computation mbqc 1, 2, universal quantum computation is achieved solely through singleparticle operations speci. Discord inrelation toresource statesfor measurementbased. Quantum computation by measurement use an entangled quantum state j ias computational resource.

Measurementbased quantum computation on cluster states. Pdf flow conditions for continuous variable measurement. Eisert blackett laboratory, imperial college london, prince consort road, london sw7 2bw, uk institute for mathematical sciences, imperial college london, exhibition rd, london sw7 2bw, uk n. Measurementbased quantum computation beyond the one.

The remainder of this article is organized as follows. If local measurements on a multiqubit state can be used to evaluate nonlinear boolean functions. Measurementbased models provide an intriguing new framework for thinking about quantum computation. Generalized flow and determinism in measurementbased. The unification proposed in 7 is based on a measurementbased preparation of the initial cluster state 9, leading to a direct unification between the oneway model and the model based on state transfer, which is a model of quantum computation based on projective measurements only. Hierarchy of universal entanglement in 2d measurement. Is there a notion of proximity of spacetime points in mbqc. Polylogoverhead highly faulttolerant measurementbased. It is oneway because the resource state is destroyed by the measurements. Pdf blind topological measurementbased quantum computation. In every step of the computation, a local measurement is performed on the quantum state and the result is fed into the classical. Oct 06, 2009 quantum computation offers a promising new kind of information processing, where the nonclassical features of quantum mechanics can be harnessed and exploited. Various models of quantum computation exist, such as the adiabatic, circuit, and measurementbased models. The new paradigm of measurementbased quantum computation, where the processing of quantum information takes place by rounds of simple measurements on qubits prepared in.

On the other hand, in the quantum world, the situation is drastically different. Measurementbased quantum computing mbqc is a universal model for quantum computation. A measurementbased version of the onebit teleportation, which is similar to a state transfer, is presented in 1. Apr, 2010 perdrix, s state transfer instead of teleportation in measurementbased quantum computation. Measurementbased quantum computing is one of the most promising quantum computing models. Information written onto j i, processed and read out by onequbit measurements only. A particularly exciting paradigm is that of measurement based quantum computation, where the processing of quantum information takes place. Hybrid architecture for encoded measurementbased quantum.

In this thesis, we describe the oneway quantum computer, a scheme of universal quantum computation that consists entirely of onequbit measurements on a. Pdf measurementbased quantum computation on symmetry. In measurement based quantum computing the main operation to manipulate information and control computation is measurement gc99, rb01, rbb03, nie03. Briegel theoretische physik, ludwigmaximiliansuniversita. Measurementbased quantum computation with mechanical oscillators related talks. They have been proven equivalent in their computational power, but operate very differently. Measurementbased quantum computation with cluster states. However, this method is only useful in a quantum circuit setup, so we must instead discuss possible correction methods for a resource state. Flow, and related concepts, are powerful techniques for characterising the dependence of the corrections on previous measurement results. In the process of the computation, all the entanglement of the cluster state is destroyed, and. On measurementbased quantum computation with the toric code states robert raussendorf perimeter institute, moving to ubc in jan 08 pitp vancouver, dec 2, 2007 joint work with sergey bravyi, ibm. We exploit the conceptual framework of measurementbased quantum computation that enables a client to delegate a. A recent proofofprinciple experiment demonstrating blind quantum.

Department of physics and astronomy pacific institute for the mathematical sciences. Measurementbased quantum computing classical vs quantum computing classical computing transforms nbit 0,1 strings to nbit 0,1 strings. Universal quantum computing with arbitrary continuousvariable encoding 6. There are two fundamentally different ways of evolving a quantum state. Measurementbased quantum computation with trapped ions. Measurementbased quantum computation mbqc as a toy model for a theory of quantum gravity. We give a detailed account of the oneway quantum computer, a scheme of quantum computation that. Computational power of symmetry protected topological spt phasesmodifications to the computation scheme. The combinatorial characterisation of determinism in this model, powered by measurements, and hence, fundamentally probabilistic, is the cornerstone of most of the breakthrough results in this. Although these models have been shown to be formally equivalent, their underlying elementary concepts and the requirements for their. Pdf resources for measurementbased quantum computation.

Rewriting measurementbased quantum computations with generalised flow. Measurementbased quantum computation with mechanical oscillators. We develop a formal model for distributed measurementbased quantum computations, adopting an agentbased view, such that computations are described. Computational depth complexity of measurement based quantum computation. Measurementbased quantum computation 10th canadian summer school on qi dan browne dept. We describe measurementonly topological quantum computation using both projective and interferometrical measurement of topological charge. Measurementbased quantum computation beyond the oneway model.

Jan 20, 2012 quantum computers, besides offering substantial computational speedups, are also expected to preserve the privacy of a computation. Distributed measurementbased quantum computation sciencedirect. Mar 05, 2018 a sublattice containing a region used to implement an entangling gate by measurementbased quantum computation. The main mbqc framework was proposed by rassendorf and briegel in the \oneway quantum computer 2 using the cluster state 5. Mar 06, 2007 since measurementbased quantum computation is inherently distributed, this allows us to extend naturally several concepts of the measurement calculus 2, a formal model for such computations. Prl 2006 gottesman, kitaev, preskill pra 2001 lund, ralph, haselgrove, prl 2008 menicucci prl 2014 continuous variables fault tolerant with finite energy. The new paradigm of measurementbased quantum computation, where the processing of quantum information takes place by rounds of simple measurements on qubits prepared in a highly entangled state. The oneway quantum computer a multiqubit entangled. Compilation for topological quantum computation was considered by kliuchnikov et al. Measurementbased quantum computation mbqc is a paradigm for quantum computation, where a manybody entangled state is prepared as a universal resource state, and quantum computation can be executed by adaptive singlequbit measurements on it 1. The result of the computation is derived from all the obtained measurement outcomes. One particularly interesting model to study, in view of recent progress in manipulating ultracold fermion gases, is the fermionic version of measurementbased quantum computation mbqc, which implements full quantum computation with only singlesite measurements on a proper fermionic manybody resource state. John watrous and daniel gottesman, for being the instructors wose provided me with more than anyone else the conceptual framework necessary to study and describe the subject of this thesis. X where x, y and z are pauli matrices is universal for quantum computation.

During the course of our investigation and preparation of the manuscript, several related results have been reported. Since measurementbased quantum computation is inherently distributed, this allows us to extend naturally several concepts of the measurement calculus v. Clusterandgraphstates wehaveseenintheabovethatwithalineararrayofclusterstates,arbitrary rotationcanbeachieved. Martin pei for being, quite simply, an excellent collaborator. Paper open access related content symmetry protection of. Hierarchy of universal entanglement in 2d measurementbased. The oneway or measurementbased quantum computer is a method of quantum computing that first prepares an entangled resource state, usually a cluster state or graph state, then performs single qubit measurements on it. The oneway or measurementbased quantum computer mbqc is a method of quantum computing that first prepares an entangled resource state, usually a cluster state or graph state, then performs single qubit measurements on it.

Research in this direction will be vital once the physical implementation of some of these models becomes possible. October 26, 2011 we propose a protocol of blind topological measurementbased quantum computation. Blind quantum computation is a novel secure quantum computing protocol that enables alice, who does not have sufficient quantum technology at her disposal, to delegate her quantum computation to bob, who has a fully fledged quantum computer, in such a way that bob cannot learn anything about alices input, output and algorithm. Introduction to measurement based quantum computation. Measurementbased quantum computation the set of observables o1 z, x, v12 x. Here we demonstrate the principles of measurementbased quantum computation using. Nov 19, 20 measurementbased quantum computation represents a powerful and flexible framework for quantum information processing, based on the notion of entangled quantum states as computational resources. In this computational model, two steps are required i preparing an algorithmindependent universal resource state and ii performing singlequbit. One particularly interesting model to study, in view of recent progress in manipulating ultracold fermion gases, is the fermionic version of measurementbased quantum computation mbqc, which implements full quantum computation with only singlesite measurements on a. There are several resource states which allow for universal quantum computation, e.

The discovery of new models of quantum computation qc, such as the oneway quantum computer 7 and the projective measurementbased model 4, have opened up new experimental avenues toward the realisation of a quantum computer in laboratories. Pdf experimental demonstration of measurementbased. Quantum computation an overview sciencedirect topics. Measurementbased quantum computation on cluster states robert raussendorf, daniel e. Measurementbased quantum computation and the faulttolerant. The 1wqc schemes we derive combine the conceptual simplicity of the tqc with the practical advantages of the 1wqc. This state forms a universal resource for quantum computation, i. In this lecture we are concerned with quantum computation by measurement. A different explanation of the 1wqc model in terms of valence bond solids was reported by verstraete and cirac f26g. Blind topological measurementbased quantum computation. Larsen and christopher chamberland and kyungjoo noh and jonas s neergaardnielsen and u. Measurementbased quantum computation and resource states mbqc is a quantum computing method that uses a resource state, allowing all computations to be done using only single qubit operations. Computational depth complexity of measurementbased quantum. Quantum computation is a novel way of information processing that allows, for certain classes of problems, exponential speedups over classical computation.

Measurementbased quantum computation quantum physics at. In our model, the entire resource for the quantum computation is provided initially in the form of a speci. One may conclude to a trade off between ancillary qubits and observables in measurementbased quantum computation. The techniques which are described include the stabilizer formalism and the logical heisenberg picture. Contextuality the inability to assign preexisting outcomes to all potential measurements of a quantum system has been proposed as a resource that powers quantum computing. Measurementbased quantum computation beyond the oneway model d. Unitary evolution is deterministic and reversible, whereas measurement is probabilistic and irreversible. Is there a counterpart to the lorentzconformal transformations. Flow conditions for continuous variable measurementbased. We highlight ways in which it is useful to understand oneway computation beyond simple equivalence with the quantum circuit model. Clear separation between classical and quantum parts of computation. Quantum computation provides us with a new form of information processing that surpasses current computer technology. The most prominent application is the oneway quantum computer, with the cluster state as its universal resource. In their protocol, alice has a classical computer and a quantum device that emits randomly rotated qubits.

Determinism and computational power of real measurement. Blind topological measurementbased quantum computation tomoyuki morimae1. Pdf distributed measurementbased quantum computation. The circuit scheme of quantum computation employs a number of qubits which are initially in a product state and then are subjected to various one and twoqubit gates before being measured. Pdf contextuality as a resource for measurementbased. Measurementbased and universal blind quantum computation. A gentle introduction eleanor rieffel and wolfgang polak. Pdf measurementbased quantum computation on cluster states. Here we propose a different model of a scalable quantum computer. Using this, it is shown how topological charge measurements can be used to generate the braiding transformations used in. We aim to create emulations for both the circuit model and the measurementbased approach based on the oneway quantum computer.

Pdf measurementbased quantum computation beyond the one. Pdf measurementonly topological quantum computation via. Measurementbased quantum computation ubc library open. Measurementbased quantum computation mqc, also called oneway quantum computation, has generated enormous interest in the quantum information community since its discovery in 2001. On measurementbased quantum computation with the toric code. A hybrid universal blind quantum computation sciencedirect.

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